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Women, stand for peace!

No mother goes through the pain of childbirth... raises her child with love an great care through all the challenges of childhood and youth, accompanied by multiple sleepless nights... only to watch her child be put through a meat-grinder by those who wield power for war!

Lysistrata is one of the most famous characters in Greek history. She is the main character in the play that is named after her by its author, Aristophanes. She is a courageous, intelligent, and determined woman who calls on the women of Athens and Sparta to unite to end the war by sexstrike.

Lysistrata was characterized by her strong will and was willing to take unconventional measures to achieve her goals. She organized a sex strike during which women denied sexual contact with their husbands until the war was ended. This extraordinary action played a strong role in ending the war between Athens and Sparta—and has the potential to influence people and bring about peace today, as well.

In addition to her rebellious nature, Lysistrata was a clever tactician. She used her intelligence and persuasion to get women to participate in her plan. Through her eloquence and leadership skills, she gained the support of women and thus revolutionized the societies of her day.

Lysistrata stands for the fight against war and oppression. She questions traditional gender roles and shows that women have a significant voice and can make a difference. Her strength of character and dedication make her a fascinating figure that still inspires today.

In every country, there are courageous women like Lysistrata.

Join the Lysistrata movement, sign the petition, spread the Lysistrata movement, and stand up for peace.
Women, stand for peace!
NO Sex, NO Children, NO Soldiers, NO War


Women, stand for peace!

Lyrics: dr.ingrid b. riedel, zürich
«Association Stop The Point Of No Return «
Linthstr. 2a, 8856 Tuggen
E-Mail: info(at)lysistrata-zuerich.ch